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Sustainable living is not just about using the ‘bare essential’ resources to minimise our wastage, it’s also about finding long-term solutions to the problems of our planet. 

Often these solutions come in the shape of 200L water butts or composters, but once you’ve chosen your first EvenGreener product, how do you know when it’s time to give in and purchase another long-lasting bit of kit for the garden?

Whether you’re ready to take on a larger water butt or composter or you simply have made full use of your existing gardening products, there are plenty of reasons you could give to make the upgrade.

But the truth is that we do not need a reason to treat our garden to environmentally friendly products, as all our bestsellers positively contribute to the planet.

If you’re looking for the perfect excuse, here are a few scenarios where we would recommend upgrading your garden.

1. Your garden space has grown 

EvenGreener products can come with up to seven-years of warranty and a lot can change in that time. If you’re upgrading your garden space, naturally you should have more space for a larger composter or water butt. 

Upgrading water butts in this instance can be as easy as taking your single butt and making it a double kit. All you need is another barrel, preferably the same model and capacity as your existing water butt, as well as a water butt connector kit. 

Harcostar offer durable water savers that can hold anything from 114 – 1,050 litres of water at a time, making them the perfect brand to help you find the right capacity as your garden grows.



2. Your existing products are all ‘worn out’

Unfortunately, there comes a point where any gardening product needs to retire, especially after many years of love and use in the back garden, exposed to the elements.

Our professional advice when it comes to water butts is always to repair proactively. When your water butt gets a crack and every drop of water you have saved slowly diminishes, it can be difficult to locate, and even harder to fix. 

If you find a crack or two, it’s probably time to retire and recycle your old one before placing an order for a shiny new one. Purchasing a Cloudburst water butt, for instance, means you will have a five-year-guarantee on your water butt, so you won’t need to upgrade again until at least 2026.



3. Demand for compost has increased

Get ready for those spring planters and compost throughout the winter without a worry in the world by upgrading your composter now. For instance, if you know that Spring 2022 will plant more than ever before, you’re going to need access to more compost - and quickly. 

The HotBin is the perfect example of an upgrade that will save you time and money in the long-term. Its ability to decompose waste at 40 – 60 degrees year-round means you can get ahead even whilst its freezing outside.




4. Changing of the seasons

As autumn turns to winter, the needs of our gardens can change dramatically. The process of composting can slow down when temperatures start to drop.

A simple upgrade, like purchasing a winter jacket for your Green Johanna composter, might just be the gentle insulator it needs to reach thermal temperatures and continue producing compost throughout the colder months of the year.




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